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“ | I've never been insulted like that before. I never knew what it was like to be ridiculed; shamed; bullied! I... I wanna change for the better! (...) Yeah! I'm gonna... I'm gonna change! I'm gonna be cool! Not some lame loser! Not some rizzless mewlord! Not some beta simp! I'm... I'm gonna be... I'm gonna be... ME. | ” |
— Jej, “Seeds For Suckers”
jej is an intersex character in Animatic Battle. He was one of the 56 eligible characters to able to debut in Object Fool, but failed to do so with only 8 votes; she tied with Rainbow Assortment, School ID, Raid, Slop, Squirt Gun, and Peppermint. They are currently competing in Animatic Battle with his team, benjamin.
jej is a two-dimensional doodle with a "triangular prism" shaped body (according to Greeny). He has two dots for eyes and a V shaped mouth, resembling the "V:" emoticon. She is drawn without visible hands. Their left leg is oddly entirely within her body, being placed on the bottom left of his face. Its length compared to her right leg differs over time, sometimes appearing shorter and other times being the same length. Despite this seeming disability, They do not struggle to get around.
In “Seeds for Suckers” their legs have alternated with his left leg now being inside her body like the right one was previously and his right leg now being outside like his left leg previously was.
jej also doesn't have any hands, although there have been several times where this is forgotten/ignored.
Object Fool
- She is a white colored doodle with black lines, with two slanted eyes, a v shaped mouth that is connected to the right side of her face, and her left leg is on her face instead of being located in the usual spot. Which isn't much of a problem since they can walk just fine. He was usually seen with his arms up and his face making the same expression.
- When jej is extremely angry, she transforms into "Realistic Jej", a more hyper realistic version of himself. With their arms and legs turning into human looking limbs, her eyes changing into human like eyes, and their mouth gaining teeth and a long tongue. This is first seen when she is part of the 8 way tie in "It Took Four Weeks To Rename This."
"M Is For Magic" - “Seeds for Suckers”
- Nothing has changed about her, other than them becoming way more expressive with their facial reactions and posing.
"Seeds for Suckers” - Onward
- Her legs have alternated roles, with his left leg now being inside his body like the right one was previously and his right leg now being outside like his left leg previously was.
jej is easily angered, often lashing out at his team. They tend to speak in gen-alpha slang which the other contestants find annoying and also bothers his teammates.
Starting in "Seeds For Suckers", Jej decides to change themself after getting yelled at for his actions by School ID, becoming a much more reasonable individual and not using gen-alpha terms anymore.
Object Fool
Animatic Battle
jej first appears in Episode "It Was Dub Who Joined", along with 55 other debuters who were eligible to join Object Fool. She can be seen just saying his name for only a split second. She later made her second appearance in "It Took Four Weeks To Rename This". Unfortunately, she failed to debut in the show, as she only received 8 votes, tying with Rainbow Assortment, School ID, Raid, Squirt Gun, and Peppermint Before they got flung with the people he tied with by Eucerin, they darken the atmosphere as they briefly transformed to their realistic form.
jej makes his second appearance in the episode "Negative Nancy", walking with other failed debuters and eliminated contestants. However, jej did not talk in this episode.
Animatic Battle
M Is For Magic
Before Animatic appears:
jej first appears in Animatic Battle claiming they were the one who called out to Red Sticky Hand, unintentionally distracting them from saving Pea.
After Animatic appears:
During the formation of teams, jej joins Tiery's squad, saying “they seem pretty based.” Tiery expresses distaste for jej, but quickly retracts his statement when jej notices. When it's time to pick team names, jej rejects Raid's idea in favor of her own, Team Ohio. As jej explains their reasoning for the team name idea, their team is arbitrarily named benjamin. jej doesn't participate much in the challenge, but is annoyed when she realizes that Red Sticky Hand prioritized helping another team rather than focusing on the challenge at hand. jej threatens Red Sticky Hand, only to be repelled like an insect by Raid.
Caffeination Day
Animatic's rampage left jej and their team stuck within Red sticky Hand. jej pulls out the voting results and describes how he got them, referencing the "Mr. Incredible Becoming Canny" meme, boring his teammates. jej is interrupted by Season 17, who steals the votes due to jej's excessive rambling.
jej survives the extermination and follows her team into the remains of Meatball's shelter to escape Animatic. When alerted of Eject's absense, jej assures Peppermint that they didn't send him to Gyattville. When jej learns that her team is safe, she excitedly claims that her team are the GOATS. Shifty says he isn't a goat, but jej says he'd be a great goat. jej and their team watch Doorframe get exterminated, saluting their fallen comrade before walking off.
Seeds For Suckers
When School ID tells Animatic that anything with mass has gravity so he was theoretically correct, jej tells School ID that she's "the living embodiment of the nerd emoji". School ID yells at jej and heavily insults them in response, which leaves him in a state of shock.
After Tiery asks jej if she was ok after being insulted by School ID, jej admits that she's never been insulted (like that) before, and he didn't know what it felt like to be humiliated, ashamed, and bullied, while shedding a tear out of his eye. As a result, this caused her to change his entire personality, which the personality also changed the fixture of her legs, inverting to the opposite adjustments of each other as their "transformation".
After his personality changed, the tear in their eye falls out of their face and into the sunflower seed, making the seed grow into a sunflower, eventually giving Benjamin immunity for their team. When Peppermint was in shocked that it only took jej's tear to win the challenge, he compliments her for helping their team win the challenge, encouraging her to "have epiphanies mroe often." But, just to make sure that jej's personality has changed entirely, Shifty asks jej what his favorite location in the world was. Instead of saying something similar to "Gyattville" or "The Genius Factory", he says East Greenland as an answer, much to Shifty's happiness and relief.
- "M Is For Magic" Jej has been sprayed by Raid in an attempt to kill Red Sticky hand. However, it is not known that he died from this, as her first appearance in Caffeination Day was them being alive. He also could have been recovered in the recovery microwave offscreen.
In Caffeination Day, jej received 463 votes, making them safe.
- jej is named after their creator, JejTheRushedDoodle.
- jej's personality changed in Seeds for Suckers, as there had been issues regarding how he was characterized.
- Their creator has stated that jej's character was never meant to be mean spirited or constantly make references to Gen Alpha culture, but is rather goofy and funny and help out in those ways, while also able to spread words of positivity and encouragement.[1]
- jej is inspired by his creator's previous persona, the geometric guy from hfjONE 14, and the cloud guys in Rejected and The Animation Show by Don Hertzfeldt.
- jej’s name came from misheard song lyrics. Somewhere around the chorus.
- The recommenders of both Nonagon and jej have stated that the two are best friends. This has, however, yet to be confirmed by Greeny.
- jej's gen alpha terms included the following references:
- The "Only in Ohio" memes.
- ParaShockX, a YouTuber known for his series, "If ___ happens, the video ends".
- The "Mr. Incredible becoming canny" meme.
- Various terms like G.O.A.T (aka. Greatest of All Time), based, bruh, gyatt, and broskies.
- According to his recommender, when making 3D models, jej is a triangular prism.[2] But, it is still canonical that jej is 2D and flat.
- jej is confirmed to be made out of paper.
- jej is only able to eat food that are paper. If she were to eat real food, it could make them greasy, wet, or gross.[3]
- jej appears as a recommended character in the 9th episode of Quaddy Quarrel, a viewer voting show made by GreenyGuy.
- jej was a contestant in the object camp ATTD, hosted by bunjeekhord.
- According to his recommender, jej is autistic and despises Autism Speaks, as depicted in some art of him made by his creator.
- jej is confirmed aro-ace (aromantic asexual), and his creator would like it if any ship between jej would be only considered platonic. (without kisses, making them have fan children and so on) [4]
- His creator also asks not to portray his character in any sort of extreme horror, with exceptions of the horror being comical or ironic in nature. [5]
- jej is a fan of Eurovision. He's also fond of listening to the songs.[6]
- jej has a cousin named Smoodle and a cat named H.[7]
- jej's new favourite location is now East Greenland.