Animatic Battle Wiki
Animatic Battle Wiki
Most, if not all, information in this article is taken from Greeny's Grand Game wiki. To view Greeny's Grand Game's wiki, click here.[1]

GagOfGreen (also know as GreenyGuy) is the main writer, animator, voice actor, graphic designer, music composer, editor, and creator of Object Fool and Animatic Battle, along with other shows such as GGG.


Greeny's human persona, J, appears to be a male with light brown skin and puffy black hair. Wearing a long red scarf tied in a ribbon at the back, and a light teal green winter jacket with white puffed up sleeves. Following dark blue jeans and black boots.

Greeny's object-sona is a teal-green rubber ball wearing a sideways darker teal baseball cap.


Current Voices

GagOfGreen voices the following characters:

Former Voices

GagOfGreen at one point voiced these characters.


  • Greeny is the main voice actor of Object Fool, the only other person who helped with Object Fool is Trip by voicing Meatball.
  • Greeny owns a second object oc, that being Etch-A-Sketch. Appearing as a red Etch-A-Sketch toy with white control wheels.
  • Greeny has an object-persona of the same name - appearing as a bright teal rubber ball, wearing a sideways teal baseball cap.
  • The Greeny character has also competed as a contestant in numerous different object shows, those being:
    • Mickey Mouse Battle House Again (created by Artificial Deluxe)
    • Fandom Fightout (created by Sacri though the show itself was merely a concept)
    • Battle for the Money Island (created by Sacri)
    • Burger Brawl (created by Gery)
  • Greeny is also the host of GagOfGreen's very own friend-group object show, called Greeny's Grand Game. Though the show was cancelled after only 2 episodes.
  • He is one of the the two hosts in Sacri's "BFG [CAMP]". In here, he is Reddy Steddy (a red version of his main oc)
  • He likes carrots
  • He prefers oranges over apples
  • His favourite fruit are pineapples, specifically slices.
  • Greeny is left handed.
  1. Greeny's Discord pronouns mentioned that he is okay with They/Them.