Animatic Battle Wiki
Give me shlumbo juice "Give... First Lines... shlumblo juice!" - Exclamation Mark, M Is For Magic (altered)
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This article lists the first line said by each character in Object Fool.


Character First line Season Season number Episode Episode number
AcidREALIcon Acid Check this out. Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined" 5
Angel B Block Angel B Block Hey! I'm the Angel B Block! You should destroy other teams! Animatic Battle 2 "Seeds For Suckers" 3
Animatic Animatic they

thought they could block me out I will get my FAME

Object Fool 1 "Sucker For Seeds" 7
TDIUFE Beautiful Words Okay. UUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- Animatic Battle 2 "Caffeination Day" 2
Pose-B B Block Ay! What's your deal? Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined" 5
Beeeeee Bee Hi, my name's Bee. What's up? Animatic Battle 2 "M Is For Magic" 1
BioIcon Bioluminescenty DIE, literally DIE. Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined" 5
BOB-OMB.ICON2 Bob-Omb Heh. Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined" 5
GImogt9WYAAYI3F Bouquet Being foolish sounds quite fun... Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined" 5
BOWLING BALL.ICON2 Bowling Ball Hey guy- Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined" 5
Buddy cut boy Buddy Cut Boy I HAVE COME TO WARN YOU. ANIMATIC IS APPROACHING AT LIGHT SPEEDS. Animatic Battle 2 "Caffeination Day" 2
The BuMblebee BuMblebee Zzzorry about what's about to happen. Animatic Battle 2 "Seeds For Suckers" 3
BIAPIcon Bush in a Pot Bush: Hi-

Pot: No, me. Hi!

Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined" 5
CanesIcon Cane's Cup Oh it actually looks really good... dang. Is he gonna cut it? Why's he cutting the dish, what? .......NOO- AAA- AA- ÆÆÆ Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined" 5
Cheez-It.AB Cheez-it CHEEESE!! Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined" 5
ChocolateMilkCartonIcon Chocolate Milk Carton ..Bee doesn't have an ID. Animatic Battle 2 "M Is For Magic" 1
ClayBrick Clay Brick Huh? Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined 5
CRAZYFOODVOTINGICON Crazy Food Hi Doorstopper! Been a while since you've been at our Happy Nice Club! Animatic Battle 2 "M Is For Magic" 1
Dangersignab Danger Sign Dude you're about to get flung... GET READY Object Fool 1 "It Took Four Weeks To Rename This" 6
DemonCoreIcon Demon Core Don't. Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined" 5
Devil B Block Devil B Block And I'm the Devil B Block! Ruin everything! Animatic Battle 2 "Seeds For Suckers" 3
DIOPTASEVOTINGICON Dioptase Hey ya! Object Fool 1 "It Was Dub Who Joined" 5
Do Do dId yOu gRaB NoTePaD? Animatic Battle 2 "M Is For Magic" 1