Animatic Battle Wiki
Animatic Battle Wiki
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Now let's do the happy dance!
— Animatic, Seeds For Suckers

Animatic is the host of Animatic Battle. He originally had a show which was the original Animatic Battle, but due to its cancellation he came and started a new Animatic Battle to host a gameshow with the Object Fool contestants and debuters.


Animatic, in his standard form, is a poorly drawn white circle with long black object limbs. According to Greeny himself, he is made out of "whatever people use to make animatics". Animatic has a blue crosshair spanning across his face, a sketching method used by numerous artists when positioning character faces. He is usually drawn with red surrounding arrows to correlate with quick turning movements.


Animatic Battle (Original Intro)

  • Animatic is a circular white colored doodle with a black outline and shorter than current form

"So Offended" - Onwards

  • Animatic is way more crudely drawn in appearance in comparison to his beta form. He now has lines on his face that resembles that of a cross hair. And has arrows that resemble pose to pose animation for movement.
  • He has the ability to shape shift into various forms, being an extremely malevolent being. Like corrupting himself and turning more sketchy among other unique attributes.


Animatic is, to say the last, a very unstable character, having little consideration for what the effect their abilities have. According to GagOfGreen, he cannot comprehend the difference between what is good and what is bad. At a surface level, Animatic has a "jolly," charismatic demeanor, but underneath it, he seemingly does whatever he desires, regardless of the consequences of his actions on his contestants. He behaves very erratically, and can quickly get bored or annoyed when contestants attempt to converse with him. He also shows no hesitation in scaring, harming or even murdering the contestants, whether it be for annoying him or simply for his own pleasure. He has even gone as far as to make a challenge centered around killing the contestants in brutal and terrifying ways, seen in Caffeination Day.

Animatic thinks very highly of himself. He is not afraid to intimidate others who dare question his choices or intentions. At the best of times, he will graciously dismiss a contestant with an insult. Usually, though, he will remind the contestants how powerful he is by showing off his reality bending abilities or scaring them by transforming into a demonic entity. Contestants unfortunate enough to anger Animatic will face a painful, horrific and scary death. Animatic also seems to be someone who strives for fame, as seen in Object Fool when he would hint at coming back to get his fame, and even gets rid of Eucerin to take control after season one.

In Caffeination Day, it is revealed that Animatic loses all sense of self-control while under the effects of caffeine. He goes on a murderous rampage that lasts for over five hours, killing dozens of contestants in the process. While under the influence, he starts the second challenge of the season, being to try to survive his murderous attempts. However, despite the fact that Animatic regains his consciousness in the middle of the challenge due to the caffeine wearing off, he continues hosting the challenge anyway, implying that he enjoys killing the contestants, or at least feels obligated to do so.

Animatic also despises liars and cheaters. In M is For Magic, he emphasizes his hatred of liars, and in Seeds For Suckers, he punishes DIET by banishing them to a blizzard-ridden snowfield, after finding out they hid their M from Animatic rather than destroying it.

It's possible that before the events of Object Fool, and even before TIAOS, Animatic was approximately as jolly as he is now. He appears more calm and sane (which he was), but all of it faded away once his contestants began leaving him, turning him insane from the sheer loneliness. It's possible that Animatic was terrified of the changes to his body and mind before he accepted living the way he is now.


Animatic first appears right after Cane's Cup removes the screwdriver from Demon Core's body, disabling Demon Core as he happily wonders around the screen before starting the intro of Animatic Battle


Animatic used to be an ordinary circle with limbs and face that hosted a show which was also called Animatic Battle, as seen in this video GreenyGuyFunny posted a while ago. However, not much was shown regarding this show or Animatic until Object Fool 7-9.

Object Fool

In Sucker For Seeds, Shifty enters the door that Animatic was trapped in and shortly after, a massive roar can be heard, whilst the door slowly opens with Animatic saying the following:

"they thought they could block me OUT."

I will get my FAME!"

In So Offended, most of Animatic's story is shown through a bunch of flickering images during the voting screen. (You can find these in the gallery for animatic!) It is revealed that Animatic's contestants left him/died which lead him to become insane, growing longer limbs and getting a grey crosshair on his face with blue circular eyes (The crosshair turned into the iconic blue color later on). 2 other things are revealed, those being that Animatic tried to escape through Don't, and pictures of what Shifty saw past the door, that being Animatic waving excitedly similarly to M Is For Magic.

In Negative Nancy, when Eucerin leaves, an image flashes of Animatic holding Eucerin saying "I WILL TAKE YOUR PLACE FOREVER". In the end credits, GagOfGreen claims he doesn't plan to do anything with the characters again, until Animatic takes over and edits some of the text to say the opposite, saying "you will see ME again.", ending Object Fool .


Character Number of times killed Episodes
Shifty 1 "Sucker For Seeds"
Eucerin 1 "Negative Nancy"
Demon Core 1 "M Is For Magic"
Exclamation Mark 2 "M Is For Magic"

"Caffeination Day"

Share 2 "M Is For Magic"

"Caffeination Day"

Peppermint 1 "M Is For Magic"
Pea 1 "M Is For Magic"
Bowling Ball 2 "Caffeination Day"

"Caffeination Day"

Popcorn 2 "Caffeination Day"

"Caffeination Day"

Acid 3 "Caffeination Day"

"Caffeination Day"

“Seeds For Suckers

School ID 1 "Caffeination Day"
Cheez-It 1 "Caffeination Day"
Chocolate Milk Carton 1 "Caffeination Day"
Rainbow Assortment 2 "Caffeination Day"

"Caffeination Day"

Weathery 2 "Caffeination Day"

"Caffeination Day"

Do 1 "Caffeination Day"
Buddy Cut Boy 1 "Caffeination Day"
Nonagon 1 "Caffeination Day"
Landscape 1 "Caffeination Day"
Crazy Food 1 "Caffeination Day"
Sticky 1 "Caffeination Day"
Bouquet 1 "Caffeination Day"
Bob-Omb 1 "Caffeination Day"
Eyepatch 1 "Caffeination Day"
TOMATER 1 "Caffeination Day"
Golden Apple 1 "Caffeination Day"
Yoshi Egg 1 "Caffeination Day"
Clay Brick 1 "Caffeination Day"
Hives 1 "Caffeination Day"
Mushroom 1 "Caffeination Day"
Notepad 1 "Caffeination Day"
Printer 1 "Caffeination Day"
Season 17 1 "Caffeination Day"
B Block 1 "Caffeination Day"
Oils Paint 1 "Caffeination Day"
Bush in a Pot 1 "Caffeination Day"
Tea 1 "Caffeination Day"
Doorstopper 1 "Caffeination Day"
Dioptase 1 "Caffeination Day"
SPAS-12 1 "Caffeination Day"
Doorframe 1 "Caffeination Day"


  • Animatic’s musical theme is Dizzy by Joakim Karud, which also doubles as the Intro music.
    • Additionally, multiple of Animatic's movements create sound samples from Dizzy, such as when he fought Exclamation Mark, or snuck up on Sticky Note to kill them.
  • Animatic seems to be the most powerful character in the show, being able to murder and recover contestants as he pleases. He also has the ability to generate objects, such as the "A wonderful GreenyGuy 22 2", bleachers and platforms for elimination, and white squares that he uses to eliminate contestants.
  • Animatic has the prize of Animatic battle, "A wonderful GreenyGuy 22 2".
  • Animatic, along with Exclamation Mark, Do, jej, and TOMATER are the only people who don't have an asset.
  • He is the reason for Eucerin's absence after Season 1 ended, apparently killing him.
  • Greeny has stated that Animatic thinks Eucerin is neat, but they wanted to be host so it had to take him away.
    • He also describes Animatic as “—a good guy who does bad things and doesn't have the ability to comprehend the reason of what he does being "bad"
  • Their favorite food, according to Greeny, is colored pencils.
  • At the end of Object Fool Episode 8, Animatic’s reversed message can be translated, and he says: "You don't have to hide me anymore. I'm here already."
  • Animatic's old contestants from his older show can be seen flickering in his intro, and a lot of his poses are a reference to his older self. Additionally, Animatic briefly reverts to his original form in the intro, before glitching back to his current form.
  • Animatic is Pansexual.[2]
  • According to Greeny, Animatic's favorite video game would be Stick Fight The Game or VRChat.[3]
  • Despite the “I WILL TAKE YOUR PLACE FOREVER” message being hidden, it falls perfectly on the 1:25 timestamp of Negative Nancy.
  • He has killed Acid 3 times, and all of Acid's death are from Animatic.
  • On November 28, 2024, an official Animatic Plush was released for preorder on the store, alongside plushies of Gold Ingot, the Tiny Tacos, and Broomer. The plush can be bought here.

